
12 hours

April 5, 2002

Last night I managed to sleep for 12 hours. I don't exactly know how that happened. I got back to my apartment at around 7, decided to take a little nap at about 7:30, since I was feeling pretty tired - I had only been getting ~5-6 hours a night for the past couple days (that Fallout Tactics, I tell you). Once I was in bed, however, I didn't get out again until my alarm went off at 7:30 am. At least I felt rested, finally.

Jordan has recently set up a deskcam on his machine, so I get to watch what he does at work all day. Right now, he's playing a video game called "bzflag" which I presume he learned about from today's /. story. Unfotunately, the resolution on the snapshot is too low for me to read what he is IMing anselor about.

That's a pretty neat idea. I'm not sure I'd want the world to be able to see whatever I was doing on my work machine (its probably actually against the law for me, since we work with medical data). Even so, its certainly a cool toy.