Oct. 29, 2003
I'm trying to find a thesis advisor. Next semester, I'm required to take the Ph.D. qualifying exam, which, if I pass, makes me a full-fledged Ph.D. candidate and enables me to start working on my thesis research. The only problem is that I have to have a thesis advisor before I can sign up to take the qual. I had hoped that a certain professor would take a job offered to him at our University, but unfortunately he turned it down. So now, I'm actively searching for someone to handle my thesis research. I'm planning on studying algorithmic game theory, especially in its applications to computer networks and protocols. I might describe what that means in more detail in another post. I talked to my current academic advisor about it, but he didn't know of any particular faculty that would be interested, but he did give me a list of names of people that might know people. Hopefully, with some digging, I'll find someone, even if I have to go to the economics or ece departments to find one.