Oct. 7, 2004
I took my second qualifying exam Tuesday. As you might remember, I failed my first one. This time, I decided to take the networking exam, rather than the theory one. I couldn't find a permanent advisor in theory, and when I found a new faculty member in networking that is interested in similar problems, I decided to switch.
The format of the networking exam is very different. The theory exam was a 6 hour written test. The networking exam, on the other hand, was a 90 minute oral presentation on a pair of papers that I was given in advance. Instead of being judged on my ability to solve math problems, I instead was judged on my ability to understand and present academic papers.
I must be better at doing the second than the first, since I found out late Tuesday that I did pass my exam. Now, I just need to write a Ph.D. thesis, and I'll have my degree! Finally, I'm a PHD Candidate, instead of just a potential.
I don't think I would have been able to pull this off if it wasn't for the support of all my friends who showed up to my practices, my family who was helpful and supportive, and of course my wife Kim who did all of the above and also loaned me her laptop for a week. Thanks everyone. It feels good to have some real direction in my life again.