
Proctor, proctor, give me a clue

Oct. 21, 2003

I'm sitting in 1320 DCL right now proctoring an exam for CS373 (Combinatorial Algorithms). This is a 2.5 hour exam, and there have been surprisingly few questions. Fortunately, I brought some reading material along including a paper I have to read for my graphics class tomorrow and The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway. The paper, which covers implicit surfaces, I already finished. The book, on the other hand, I am only about half way through. So far, I have failed to identify a coherent plot.

On the bright side, 1320 DCL has several nice toys to play with, including a Watcom tablet, a laser pointer, and a very powerful video projector. In fact, this is probably the nicest lecture hall on campus. The seats are all office chairs on wheels, the desks (which are not attached to the chairs) are spacious and wired for electricity and Ethernet. The CS wireless network also easily reaches this room. Well, I'm going to cut this post off and get to work grading homeworks. Hopefully, I can have at least one problem completely graded by the end of the exam, in another 75 minutes.