Nov. 25, 2003
One of my new pastimes for this semester has been a slow plodding effort through the entire run of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Yes, I know I'm jumping on this bandwagon very late. In fact, I started watching a good 3 months after the show went off the air. Nevertheless, I've become a fan.
My friend Erin (soon-to-be) Chambers introduced me to the series by loaning me her first season DVD collection. I became interested in the show after seeing Firefly, which was birthed from the mind of the same gifted writer, Joss Whedon. I have discovered, along with many others, that Joss is an evil, manipulative man. He puts his viewers through insufferable calisthenics with his plot twists. I've made it as far as the middle of the fifth season, and I'm still surviving. Spike is still my favorite character, followed by Anya.
Its hard to explain why I like the show. I admit that I was prejudiced against it when I first heard of it. "Buffy?" I would say. "Isn't that the crappy movie where Pee Wee Herman plays a vampire?" Yes, it is. But it seems the creator of the series did not intend for the movie to be portrayed in that way, and the TV series represents his original vision. The dialog is some of the best I've seen in a serial drama. The characters are intriguing and seem to have very human motivations, (at least among the humans on the show) many of which are subtle or understated. I suppose, at it's core, it's a show about a superhero, and I'm a huge sucker for those.