That girl in my class
July 18, 2001
Upon reading this topic, I first thought "hey! how unfair! I don't have any classes! I'm unemployed!" Then, I realized that I could actually say a lot about it, since, against all odds, I actually married the girl from my class. Of course, that's not exactly accurate, since I saw Kim away from class as well, but we did actually meet there, and I would never have known her had we not. Our first meeting went a little something like this:
The class was Calculus II, honors, with Dr. Cenzer. I walked in early, this being the first day of school, and grabbed my usual seat in row 3, column 3 from the left. For some reason, I always sit in that same spot, whenever a teacher does not assign seats. Anxious to see the people I would be sharing a semester with, I turned around each time the door opened to examine the person entering. "Hmmm..That guy sort of looks like a gorilla..." It was Dave Huston. "Wow, that guy is short." Philip Barnett. Then, a girl walks in with incredibly long blond hair and a giant green bookbag that looks much too full for the first day of classes. "Hey, that girl looks just like the kind of person I would date," I thought. "What luck! She's sitting right behind me!"
Later in the class, we were required to introduce ourselves and state our hometowns. (If you are not yet in college, don't be misled - this is not at all a common occurance. I think it is the only time it ever happened to me.) I stand up. "Hi! My name is Matt, and I'm from Largo. No one ever knows where that is, so I'll tell you that its near St. Pete. If you still don't know where that is," (the North Florida people are idiots when it comes to state geography) "its right next to Tampa."
Girl with long hair giggles. I smile. I think we're going to hit it off. I sit down and she stands up. "Hi, my name is Kim, and I'm from Sarasota. If you don't know where that is, well, its south of Largo." Class bursts into laughter. Kim and I later enjoy a joke about "putting Largo on the map."
Then, nearly a year and much heartache later, we were dating.