
TKD is Dy-no-mite!

Oct. 16, 2003

All my life, I've always wanted to be a shoot fireballs from my hands with only a shout ... to jump 15 feet into the air while disarming 13 foes .. to move with absolute silence and stealth. I've finally taken steps towards this goal.

I've taken up the art of Tae Kwon Do. I was looking to get into some regular athletic activity and saw an ad for Illini bowling leagues. I asked Wild Chris if he was interested in starting a team, but he was unavailable most of the available nights because he had just started attending the Illini Tae Kwon Do Club. So, I joined up too. It feels good to be athletic and in shape again. Kicking things 3 nights a week also helps to vent stress and frustration. Saturday morning, I have my first belt test. They haven't taught us any fireballs yet, but I think we'll get to that with the yellow belt.